We take reasonable precautions to keep your personal information secure. Access to your personal information is permitted among the directors, officers, consultants and other employees only on a need to know basis. If the personal information that we have about you is no longer needed for the purposes stated in our privacy policy, we will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently remove your personal information.
      Cookies are used to collect data relating to your general internet usage and customise your experience on our website. This data includes IP addresses, browser versions, number of visits and other data relating to your navigation of the internet and our site. Cookies do not collect sensitive information like financial information or passwords. We hold personal information in our own secure databases and to some extent for marketing purposes in the databases of third parties engaged by us (subject to obligations regarding privacy and confidentiality) to conduct electronic direct marketing subject to all legislative requirements. User ID tracking for AdWords is also setup which allows better understanding of repeat customers.
      You can refuse to accept cookies by activating settings on your internet browser. However, this can affect your overall browsing experience.